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Critical Reflection

 Module learning:

As the trimester comes to a close, I am confident to say that I have achieved the 2 goals that I set for myself at the beginning of this module. Through the various assignments and activities, I have grown to be a better writer and communicator.

My first goal is to become a more confident person in terms of communicating with my peers. Throughout this trimester, I was given a lot of opportunities to work on my communication skills. Through class discussions and project meetings, I have learned to express myself more clearly and confidently. I have also gained a deeper understanding of the importance of effective communication that can be useful in the real world. These opportunities have helped me understand the importance of effective communication, and I am eager to continue developing my skills in this area.

My next goal was to improve my writing and critical thinking skills. I am glad to say that I had made significant progress in this area. The summary reader response and technical writing assignments were very effective in helping me practice my writing ability. Through these assignments, I have learned to avoid common writing errors and also conduct effective research. I also had the opportunity to receive feedback from my peers and professor, which greatly helped me improve. While I am happy with the progress I made, I believe that there is still a lot to learn if I want to continue becoming a more effective writer.

Overall, this class not only helped me in achieving my goals but also provide me with new insights and skills that I can apply in the real world. I am grateful for the growth and development that I have experienced throughout this class. I look forward to continuing to develop my communication and writing skills further in the future.

Project Learning:

During this assignment, I had the opportunity to work in a group and improve my teamwork skills. While I had previous experience working in teams, I realized that different people would result in different group dynamics, and it is important that I am able to adapt to it.

Throughout the project, effective communication and collaboration were essential for success. I had to learn to understand my group mates better so that I was able to express my ideas more clearly. I also learned how important it is to be open to feedback and criticism in order to prevent negativity in the group. Working in a team, it is important to acknowledge the fact that everyone might have a different point of view. Thus, it is important to consider all options before making a decision. By recognizing everyone's unique strengths, weaknesses, and work styles, we were able to collaborate more effectively and achieve better results as a team.

One of the more significant takeaway from this project is that it taught me that learning is not only limited to books and classes but also from experiences working in a team. By recognizing the value of teamwork, I gained a greater understanding of everyone's unique skills and perspectives, which allowed us to work together more effectively. I realized that learning is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills, but also about building meaningful relationships with others.

Overall, my research project experience was a valuable learning opportunity that helped me develop as an individual and team member. It allowed me to improve my communication skills, learn the importance of being open to feedback, and recognize the value of teamwork in achieving success. I believe that these skills and lessons will be valuable in the real world.


  1. Thanks much, Shahrul, for your sharing in this reflection.

    1. You're welcome prof! It was my pleasure to share my reflection with you.


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